Minority rule
The healthcare debate should remind you of a trend in this country. One that is downright dangerous to society’s health. More and more we suffer minority rule.
That is, the rules are set by the minority. The majority has to live by those rules, like it or not.
If these healthcare bills become law we will have to live by a healthcare system only 32 percent of us favored. About 85 percent of us say we are happy with our healthcare now. Yet all of us will bear the burden of the taxes of a new system. We all will have to hack our way through the jungle of regulations this monstrosity will create. (I believe there will be 150 or so new bureaucracies set up to administer this creature.) The huge majority that did not want these reforms will have to live by and pay for them.
A minority of Americans favor cap and trade legislation. That would snarl our energy markets. A minority want it. If it passes, a majority would pay the price for it.
All of us also pay for importing most of our oil, of course. All of us shell out money to insidious oil suppliers who use the money to undermine our culture.