Days may be numbered for condemned New Berlin building
NEW BERLIN – Instead of paying nearly $31,000 in back taxes on a condemned downtown building, the Village of New Berlin won a $10,000 bid on the delinquent property and is now hoping to have the structure demolished by late summer.
The 19th century, three-story brick building at 2 North Main St. was condemned nearly two and a half years ago.
New Berlin Mayor Wade Schrag said he hoped to bring the issue to the board by next month’s meeting and set a final plan for demolition.
The village originally offered to pay $31,000 in back taxes for the owner as part of an agreement to buy the building, but instead waited for the property to be seized and put up for public auction. The municipality was declared the sole bidder and recipient of the property after placing a $10,000 bid. The Chenango County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to approve bids on sales of delinquent properties in August.
Chenango County Code Enforcement officials closed off the site in early January 2008 following complaints that bricks and debris were falling from the structure. Fearing its stability, inspectors deemed the building unsafe for habitation.