Greene school project on time, under budget

GREENE – The Greene Central School District is back in construction mode this summer, but school officials say the district’s $36.1 million building project is on schedule and under budget.

“There is a lot in progress,” reported Business Manager Mark Rubitski, explaining that many pieces of the project were 75 to 80 percent complete mid-way through July. The remainder is slated for completion by the time students return in September.

According to Rubitski, construction crews were able to get on site by mid-June, so they were “all ready to roll” when school let out for the summer.

“We really got off to a great start,” he said. “They hit the ground running.”

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Approximately $19.6 million of the project’s total budget was allocated for work at the district’s Middle/High School. Rubitski reported that installation of the new turf field and track have been completed, and all drainage issues related to the hillside at the Northwestern edge of the campus have been addressed. This last, he explained, was put to the test this spring.

“Everything worked great,” he said.

Work currently in progress at the Middle/School high school campus includes, perhaps most visibly, the construction of a new corridor connecting the two schools. Located under the “bridge,” where there was once a driveway between buildings, the newly constructed space will serve as the Middle School’s main entrance once it is complete.


The Evening Sun

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