Guilford District 10: Guilford Center – The Academy, Part IV
Continuing with the minutes of the meetings leading to the formation and building of the “Academy” at Guilford Center is transcribed here verbatim:
“At a meeting of the Proprietors of GUtLFORD CENTRE ACADEMY, held pursuant to notice at the Centre School House in the town of GUILFORD, on the evening of the 18th December 1827.
On motion, Calvin Mills was called to the chair, and Daniel S. Dickinson chosen Clerk. The object of t he meeting having been explained y the Clerk, to be for the purpose of forming a joint society from the foregoing subscribers, and adopting Regulations for the same. After discussion and deliberation the following preamble and regulations were unanimously adopted.
Voted that the subscriptions be continued in circulation and that E. H. Fitch, Abiram Mills, Dr. Colbey Knapp and Dr. Josiah W. Case be a committee to circulate the same and solicit subscriptions.
Voted that the building committee be requested to precede with said building with all possible dispatch and complete the same on or before the first day of October nest.
Voted that meeting adjourn without day.
At a meeting of the Proprietors of the GUILFORD CENTRE ACADEMY held at D. Murray’s on Friday, the 14th day of November 1828 pursuant to notice Dan’1 T. Dickinson in the chair, and D. S. Dickinson, Sec’t.
Voted that the correspondence of D. S. Dickinson with the officers of Union College and Horace Dresser be approved by this meeting as correct and proper.
Voted that seven trustees be chosen by ballot to employ a teacher and conduct the school.
After counting the ballots it appeared that John Latham, Dauphin Murray, Rufus Baldwin, John T. Whiting, Dan’1 S. Dickinson, Calvin Mills and Phineas Atwaterwere elected trustees.
Voted that this meeting adjourn sine die.
Nov 26 1828
The above named trustees contracted with Mr. Horace Dresser to teach one quarter commencing on the first day of December 1828 for $75 and furnish him with Board as per contract on file.
D. S. Dickinson - Sec’t
Feby 20th 1829
Trustees met at close of quarter, appointed J. F. Whiting Collector and Treasurer; gave him bills of tuition to collect (amounting to) $122.50. Orders to pay out for teachers wages $115.92 and contingencies as per Bill and $5.58 is balance in treasury if Bills are collected.
June 3rd 2nd quarter
Trustees met at academy. Present -Rufus Baldwin, Phineahas Atwater, Calvin Mills, John F. Whiting and Daniel S. Dickinson. Amount tuition (as per Bills) for the 1st quarter as $2.75 per scholar $117.48. Teacher’s wages & contingent expenses $101.20 - Balance due if bills paid $16.28 - Deduct $1.65 - Balance $14.63. Appointed Phinehas Atwater Collector. Gave him directions to collect and pay out as above and retain the above Balance of $14.63 in his hands until called for.
D.S. Dickinson
Deducted from the above amounts from A. E. Knapp’s bill $1.40, J. Latham $.25 -Total $1.65
D.S. D. CLK.
Sept. 16 1829 3rd Quarter
GUILFORD CENTRE ACADEMY. Trustees met pursuant to notice at the office of D. S. Dickinson. Present: P. Atwater, D. Murray, R. Bolton, J. F. Whiting, Calvin Mills, D. S. Dickinson. Amount Bills for tuition for 3rd quarter at $2.75 scholar - $62.44. Teachers wages & contingent expenses - $91.50 - Gave directions to pay Colbey Knapp for board last quarter $16.50 - Horace Dresser for teaching $75.00 - Total $91.50 - Tuition etc. - $62.44 - Balance $29.06.
RESOLVED that no scholar be admitted to this school for an amount less than half a quarter tuition & that any scholar attending over half a quarter from the time of his commencement shall pay the price of a full quarter & that English Branches be $2.75 and Classicals $3.00.
Hired Mr. Dresser for 5th quarter, he to board himself for $93.
Appointed Calvin Mills Collector and directed Atwater and Whiting to pay him the balance in their hands.
D. S. Dickinson Clk.
Trustees met at the Academy. Present: Trustees, etc. Amount tuition & Board Bills - $93.00 - Wood 4.50 - Contingent (glass) $.60 - Total $98.10. Receipts, if Bills are collected - $50.64 - Balance against Trustees $47.46. Appointed D. Murray collector & gave him directions to pay as above.
D. S. D. Clk.
Called meeting at Academy by public notice.
Came Daniel S. Dickinson, D. Murray, R. Baldwin, H. Bolden, E. H. Fitch, Geo. Humphrey, Carleton Humphrey, S. J. Trask, L. Eggleston, E. P. Smith, J. R. Dickinson, Jesse Kendrick, John F. Whiting, dark Dickerman, Julius Whiting, Phineas Atwater, N. Dickerman Trustees.
Petition for incorporation. Hired Mr. Dresser for one year as per contract. Thomas Dickinson agreed to get wood until summer for $11.00, Spend subscription to get fence etc. built, and appointed J. R. Dickinson, E. P. Smith & Asa Mills committee.
D. S. D. Clk
1830 - March 11 1830
Old trustees met at the office of D. S. Dickinson and Made out a statement to the end of the 4th quarter, of the Academy Deficiency for 3 quarters $10.38 - Amount due for 4th quarter $93.00 Wood bell (bill) $4.50, Setting grass $.60 - C. Mills for money overpaid $.68 - total $109.16 - Credits, as per statement on file $45.36 - Balance $63.80. We paid Mr. D. cash $18.00 - Note $40.17 - Total $58.17 - Balance -$5.63. Deficiency from mistake in cost. This is endorsed on the note signed by me for trustees to be paid with the note. Gave bill of (?) for collector, T. Murray - $4.66.
1830 1 term 2nd year
March 22 - Trustees met at office of D. S. Dickinson. Present were Fitch, Trask, R. Baldwin, D. S.
Dickinson & J. F. Whiting. Appointed Julius Whiting Collector. Made out bills - $77.15 - Debts as per bill given to collector $10.56. A. Johnson paid $7.65.
1830 July 13 Second Term Second Year
Trustees met at office of D. S. Dickinson. Present were: P. Atwater, D. S. Dickinson, R. Baldwin,
D. Murray, J. F. Whiting. Made out bills - $64.18. Appointed R. Baldwin - Collector. No bill for expenses brought in.
D. S. Dickinson
GUILFORD - Jan’y 7,1831 3rd & 4th terms of Second year.
Present when Trustees met at the Academy: R. Baldwin, G. Humphrey, C. Dickinson, Jul. Whiting, J. F. Whiting, E. H. Fitch, S. J. Trask, P. Atwater, H. Baldwin and D. S. Dickinson. Made out Bills for collection - $183.81 - Directed him to pay out as per bill $9.17. Appointed Clark Dickinson Collector; settled with Julius Whiting & Rufus Baldwin, late collectors with Bills etc. on file.
D. S. Dickinson - Clerk & One of Trustees.
Thus we conclude this lengthy history of Guilford Centre Academy and one may come to the conclusion the Academy had difficulties from the beginning of the Academy until it was decided to abandon the “Select School” and transferred all to the District #10 – Guilford Center “Common School.”
“At a meeting of the Proprietors of GUtLFORD CENTRE ACADEMY, held pursuant to notice at the Centre School House in the town of GUILFORD, on the evening of the 18th December 1827.
On motion, Calvin Mills was called to the chair, and Daniel S. Dickinson chosen Clerk. The object of t he meeting having been explained y the Clerk, to be for the purpose of forming a joint society from the foregoing subscribers, and adopting Regulations for the same. After discussion and deliberation the following preamble and regulations were unanimously adopted.
Voted that the subscriptions be continued in circulation and that E. H. Fitch, Abiram Mills, Dr. Colbey Knapp and Dr. Josiah W. Case be a committee to circulate the same and solicit subscriptions.
Voted that the building committee be requested to precede with said building with all possible dispatch and complete the same on or before the first day of October nest.
Voted that meeting adjourn without day.
At a meeting of the Proprietors of the GUILFORD CENTRE ACADEMY held at D. Murray’s on Friday, the 14th day of November 1828 pursuant to notice Dan’1 T. Dickinson in the chair, and D. S. Dickinson, Sec’t.
Voted that the correspondence of D. S. Dickinson with the officers of Union College and Horace Dresser be approved by this meeting as correct and proper.
Voted that seven trustees be chosen by ballot to employ a teacher and conduct the school.
After counting the ballots it appeared that John Latham, Dauphin Murray, Rufus Baldwin, John T. Whiting, Dan’1 S. Dickinson, Calvin Mills and Phineas Atwaterwere elected trustees.
Voted that this meeting adjourn sine die.
Nov 26 1828
The above named trustees contracted with Mr. Horace Dresser to teach one quarter commencing on the first day of December 1828 for $75 and furnish him with Board as per contract on file.
D. S. Dickinson - Sec’t
Feby 20th 1829
Trustees met at close of quarter, appointed J. F. Whiting Collector and Treasurer; gave him bills of tuition to collect (amounting to) $122.50. Orders to pay out for teachers wages $115.92 and contingencies as per Bill and $5.58 is balance in treasury if Bills are collected.
June 3rd 2nd quarter
Trustees met at academy. Present -Rufus Baldwin, Phineahas Atwater, Calvin Mills, John F. Whiting and Daniel S. Dickinson. Amount tuition (as per Bills) for the 1st quarter as $2.75 per scholar $117.48. Teacher’s wages & contingent expenses $101.20 - Balance due if bills paid $16.28 - Deduct $1.65 - Balance $14.63. Appointed Phinehas Atwater Collector. Gave him directions to collect and pay out as above and retain the above Balance of $14.63 in his hands until called for.
D.S. Dickinson
Deducted from the above amounts from A. E. Knapp’s bill $1.40, J. Latham $.25 -Total $1.65
D.S. D. CLK.
Sept. 16 1829 3rd Quarter
GUILFORD CENTRE ACADEMY. Trustees met pursuant to notice at the office of D. S. Dickinson. Present: P. Atwater, D. Murray, R. Bolton, J. F. Whiting, Calvin Mills, D. S. Dickinson. Amount Bills for tuition for 3rd quarter at $2.75 scholar - $62.44. Teachers wages & contingent expenses - $91.50 - Gave directions to pay Colbey Knapp for board last quarter $16.50 - Horace Dresser for teaching $75.00 - Total $91.50 - Tuition etc. - $62.44 - Balance $29.06.
RESOLVED that no scholar be admitted to this school for an amount less than half a quarter tuition & that any scholar attending over half a quarter from the time of his commencement shall pay the price of a full quarter & that English Branches be $2.75 and Classicals $3.00.
Hired Mr. Dresser for 5th quarter, he to board himself for $93.
Appointed Calvin Mills Collector and directed Atwater and Whiting to pay him the balance in their hands.
D. S. Dickinson Clk.
Trustees met at the Academy. Present: Trustees, etc. Amount tuition & Board Bills - $93.00 - Wood 4.50 - Contingent (glass) $.60 - Total $98.10. Receipts, if Bills are collected - $50.64 - Balance against Trustees $47.46. Appointed D. Murray collector & gave him directions to pay as above.
D. S. D. Clk.
Called meeting at Academy by public notice.
Came Daniel S. Dickinson, D. Murray, R. Baldwin, H. Bolden, E. H. Fitch, Geo. Humphrey, Carleton Humphrey, S. J. Trask, L. Eggleston, E. P. Smith, J. R. Dickinson, Jesse Kendrick, John F. Whiting, dark Dickerman, Julius Whiting, Phineas Atwater, N. Dickerman Trustees.
Petition for incorporation. Hired Mr. Dresser for one year as per contract. Thomas Dickinson agreed to get wood until summer for $11.00, Spend subscription to get fence etc. built, and appointed J. R. Dickinson, E. P. Smith & Asa Mills committee.
D. S. D. Clk
1830 - March 11 1830
Old trustees met at the office of D. S. Dickinson and Made out a statement to the end of the 4th quarter, of the Academy Deficiency for 3 quarters $10.38 - Amount due for 4th quarter $93.00 Wood bell (bill) $4.50, Setting grass $.60 - C. Mills for money overpaid $.68 - total $109.16 - Credits, as per statement on file $45.36 - Balance $63.80. We paid Mr. D. cash $18.00 - Note $40.17 - Total $58.17 - Balance -$5.63. Deficiency from mistake in cost. This is endorsed on the note signed by me for trustees to be paid with the note. Gave bill of (?) for collector, T. Murray - $4.66.
1830 1 term 2nd year
March 22 - Trustees met at office of D. S. Dickinson. Present were Fitch, Trask, R. Baldwin, D. S.
Dickinson & J. F. Whiting. Appointed Julius Whiting Collector. Made out bills - $77.15 - Debts as per bill given to collector $10.56. A. Johnson paid $7.65.
1830 July 13 Second Term Second Year
Trustees met at office of D. S. Dickinson. Present were: P. Atwater, D. S. Dickinson, R. Baldwin,
D. Murray, J. F. Whiting. Made out bills - $64.18. Appointed R. Baldwin - Collector. No bill for expenses brought in.
D. S. Dickinson
GUILFORD - Jan’y 7,1831 3rd & 4th terms of Second year.
Present when Trustees met at the Academy: R. Baldwin, G. Humphrey, C. Dickinson, Jul. Whiting, J. F. Whiting, E. H. Fitch, S. J. Trask, P. Atwater, H. Baldwin and D. S. Dickinson. Made out Bills for collection - $183.81 - Directed him to pay out as per bill $9.17. Appointed Clark Dickinson Collector; settled with Julius Whiting & Rufus Baldwin, late collectors with Bills etc. on file.
D. S. Dickinson - Clerk & One of Trustees.
Thus we conclude this lengthy history of Guilford Centre Academy and one may come to the conclusion the Academy had difficulties from the beginning of the Academy until it was decided to abandon the “Select School” and transferred all to the District #10 – Guilford Center “Common School.”
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