NHS Cheerleaders’ month-long food drive will benefit Roots and Wings
NORWICH – Throughout the month of December, the Norwich High School Varsity Cheerleaders will collect non-perishable food items in support of Catholic Charities and its Roots and Wings program. Their goal? Helping the local food pantry feed the approximately 500 families it provides for on a monthly basis in any way they can.
According to Varsity Cheerleading Coach Marie DeSarro, Roots and Wings’ effort in feeding those less fortunate is even more important during the holiday season.
“I really don’t think our community understands the need in our area ... people are struggling to make ends meet on a regular basis,” said DeSarro. “Many people worry about what expensive gifts need to be bought or how many holiday parties they’re going to, while some are just happy sitting together and sharing a meal.”
For DeSarro and her cheerleaders, it’s really quite simple.
“We just want to make sure that everyone is able to celebrate.”