Oxford-Norwich Little League sign-ups slated

 NORWICH – The Oxford-Norwich Little League will begin its 2012 season with sign-ups Feb. 15-16

Sign-ups for each night will be from 6-8 p.m. at the Oxford Middle School and at the Norwich YMCA for boys ages 7-12 and girls ages 7-13. Boys must be seven years old by April 30 and cannot turn 13 years old before April 30. Girls must be seven years old by Dec. 31, and cannot turn 14 before Dec. 31. There are no exceptions to the age requirement, said league commissioner, Dave Mack.

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Boys and girls ages 7-9 years old compete in the minor leagues, and 10 and up in the majors. Parents must provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate for proof of age at the time of registration.

Mack said that participation has fallen slightly in recent years, but hopes to increase numbers this year and in future years. New players to the league or those moving up from the minors to the majors will participate in an evaluation day where they have an opportunity to run, throw, field and bat before league coaches – similar to the pros, Mack said. “Siblings that try out, provided they play in the same league, will stay together,” Mack said. “All kids, regardless of ability, will play on a team. Evaluations lets the coaches know what they need to work on with each particular child.”


The Evening Sun

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