Chenango Lake Perch Derby set for Saturday

NEW BERLIN – The latest cold winter blast has thickened the ice to a safe thickness and the Oxford Lion’s Club is happy to announce the Chenango Lake Perch Derby will be held on Saturday.

NBT Bank is sponsoring a $1,000 prize for the first perch caught with a 2012 tag. As in the past, if no tagged perch is caught, the $1,000 will be raffled off to registered anglers only. Preferred Mutual Insurance, New Berlin, is sponsoring the second $500 prize for the lucky angler catching a second perch with a 2012 tag. Also, $150 will be paid for the largest perch and $150 for the largest pickerel caught during the day, compliments of Visions Federal Credit Union of Norwich.

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Registration begins at 6 a.m. and continues until 1 p.m. The $5 registration fee and all other proceeds from the derby will be used to fund the many community projects that the Oxford Lion’s Club supports such as eye examinations and eyeglasses for those in need.

“I’m excited for our club and most importantly for all ice fishermen who may not have had the chance to get out this season” said Lion Michael La Croce. Prizes will be given away for the largest perch caught every 15 minutes of the Derby. A menu of hot food including homemade chili and drinks will be available all day on the ice.

Look for more information at the Oxford Lions website,


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