Fill ‘er up
The powers that be must think we – the general public; the 99 percent; your average, ordinary, every day American; however you’d like to label us – are complete morons. That, or they’re thinking we’re far too busy with our day-to-day lives to notice their feeble attempts to convince the typical automobile owner that 32 miles to the gallon (highway, of course) is some kind of scientific breakthrough of miraculous proportions.
The only problem is ... it seems to be working.
In all seriousness, though – particularly when you consider gasoline is expected to hit $4 any day now – where is the uproar? People are upset, sure, but I don’t see angry mobs taking to the street or organizing gas station boycotts.
Personally, I find it hard to believe that, in this day and age, we can’t come up with a better solution. Then again, the big oil companies continue to post record profits, so why shouldn’t they keep bumping up the price? They look to make a fortune. And why is that?
Because our addiction to gasoline is out of control ... and they know it. And don’t go blaming the president, as some of you do (religiously, I might add). In fact, I find it amusing that many of those who consider our commander in chief a socialist demand he (or the government) regulate gasoline prices.
Oh, the insanity.