Please ... let it end

Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Time: 3 p.m. EST

Place: The Evening Sun newsroom

Scoop: Like thousands of other journalists across the country, intrepid Evening Sun Staff Writer Brian Golden awaits with great anticipation (and bated breath) the soon-to-be-had results of Super Tuesday and the forthcoming GOP frontrunner, who will do everything in his power to convince the American people that über-capitalism is the way to go in the face of the socialist agenda current President Obama has unfailingly relied upon as he looks to complete his mission to destroy the United States as we know it.

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Wow ... I don’t know about you, but I think I might’ve missed my calling. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck or some other right-wing pundit reads this and hires me on the spot.

Then again, my penchant for sarcasm (not to mention honest-to-goodness reporting) might be a little much for the likes of your typical conservative mouthpiece.

Do I sound bitter? Angry? A tad peeved? That’s because I am ... all three.

Very soon now, we – the American people – should have a reasonably clear idea which of the three political idealists we’ve been force-fed for the past three-plus months will be facing off against Obama come November. And while I’m looking forward to the endless debates (not really), the childish name-calling (not really) and the veritable avalanche of politically slanted advertisements that are sure to follow, well, I must admit I’m not impressed.


The Evening Sun

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