Tea Partiers hold anniversary rally Saturday
NORWICH – Norwich Tea Party Patriots will hold a Tax Day Tea Party Rally to celebrate the third anniversary of the founding of their group from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday in the East Side Park in downtown Norwich.
The local group was first formed on Tax Day, April 15, 2009 when thousands of patriots around the country in every state gathered in groups at the beginning of the Tea Party Movement. This movement has grown to over 50 million in all 50 states and has become a strong political force. “They have stood strong in support of the Constitution and against increased government control of our lives and increased spending and taxation,” said local Tea Party spokesperson Gilda Ward.
The Norwich Tea Party Patriots has remained strong and active over these last three years. They have been very engaged on both the state and national levels. They have traveled to Albany and Washington, D.C. many times to protest and lobby against such legislation as the Obamacare legislation and against raising the debt limit and increasing spending and taxation. Just recently, Norwich Tea Party Patriots filled a bus of fellow patriots that traveled to Washington, D.C. to protest Obamacare as it came before the Supreme Court. “This Tax Day Tea Party Rally is a celebration of the last three years and a big call to action for all that needs to be done this very important year,” Ward said.