Schools of the Past: Lincklaen: The Pond District #1, Part II

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Again credit must be given to Marion Poole for her history - “Early Days in Lincklaen” in which she gave a marvelous documentation of the school districts in the township. The photograph with this article is a post card from the County Historian’s collection and upon examination the flag, which pictured on the post card, is backwards, the time frame is somewhere between 1890-96. This post card was addressed to Mr. O.R. Sutliff, Cincinnatus, New York and was written by Blanche to her brother and sister. We will quote the first sentence of her writing: “How do you like the looks of this crowd.” The postmark is unreadable and this writer will assume it was a photo of her classmates attending the above school. If anyone can shed light as to the identity of the students, please advise either the County Historian’s office, 607-337-1845 or e-mail this writer at; All information will be duly be recorded and acknowledged!

Continuing the history of the Pond #1 - that just outside of the school was a small room “the cloak room,” used for the many hooks for wraps and shelves for lunch pails! The students were fortunate to have an old mirror which was seldom used. Vanity relevant to appearance was not, at that time, as today, a high priority.


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