Things in common

What do these things have in common? Social Security Disability. Windmills. Food Stamps. A state’s low taxes. Big contributions to politicians.

These are linked by a basic ingredient of our nature. We go for the gold.

What prompted this thought was the number of Americans who recently signed up for Social Security disability payments. As people lost jobs in this lousy economy, millions more became disabled. Disabled enough to claim Social Security should send them checks every month. Within a few years we, the people, became we the afflicted. By the millions we did. Our backs acted up. Migraines felled us. Shoulders froze.

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Of course a big percentage of us did not suddenly become disabled. Out of work, millions simply saw the gold and went for it. Millions more than before.

This is why outrageous percentages of firemen and police retire disabled. In cities and states where their contracts allow generous early retirements we see huge numbers retire early. With bad backs, migraines, etc. Too many simply smell the gold. And they go for it.

This is why green ventures popped up like mushrooms in manure in this country. The government held out billions in loans and grants for green projects. Guys who planned to put their money into hotels switched to solar panel ventures. And windmills. What the hell, they figured. If government wants to give us a few hundred million, let’s go for it.


The Evening Sun

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