Relay for Life: Paint the county purple Tuesday!
CHENANGO COUNTY – The Chenango Relay For Life committee is hoping to paint the county purple once again and dozens of local businesses, restaurants, organizations, schools and individuals are expected to pitch in tomorrow for the annual event.
Said Relay For Life Committee co-chair Marie DeSarro, “It’s a great opportunity for us to promote our local Relay For Life and to get the community involved.”
Participation, she added, is simple: fly a purple flag, decorate the office in purple, plant purple flowers or simply wear purple to work May 1. DeSarro also urged people to “get creative” if they’d like, and take pictures.
“Please take pictures,” stressed DeSarro. “We would love to have pictures of our community participating in Paint the County Purple, which we can then post on our Relay For Life website.”
Pictures can be e-mailed to, said DeSarro, who added those planning to participate in Paint the County Purple Day should contact a committee member so their name can be added to the website.
“If your office, store, business, school or family are planning on participating on May 1, please let us know,” she added.
A number of local restaurants are getting involved this year, said DeSarro (see sidebar), showing their support by putting out purple placemats and/or napkins and decorating in purple. Several, she added, will donate a portion of the day’s proceeds to the Chenango Relay For Life.