SADD mock crash sends a strong message
NORWICH – Norwich High School students witnessed an eye-opening event Thursday afternoon as Students Against Destructive Decisions staged a mock crash to show the potential consequence of distracted, reckless and drunk driving.
A mock crash orchestrated by the organization, known as SADD, is staged for students every two years. With the help of employees and volunteers from the city’s police and fire departments, students Ian Weaver, Taylor Hagenbuch, Gabby Blenis, Logan Thompson, Kayla Hughes and Pat Taylor staged a fatal two-car motor vehicle accident, bringing the sights and sounds of an accident scene to a horrific reality that hit close to home for all students.
At approximately 1 p.m., fire, police and EMS crews were on the scene. SADD members enacted the roles of victims in both vehicles. Other students sat on the bleachers nearby and looked on intently while crews followed step-by-step procedures in real time, offering them an opportunity to witness the chaos of an accident scene.
It took emergency crews approximately 20 minutes to go through the entire procedure, which included cutting the roof off one of the cars to get all “victims” out safely, rushing the “injured” to ambulances, and placing the “deceased” in a hearse driven from the R.J. Fahy Funeral Home.
It was an excellent training opportunity for all emergency crews and a powerful learning experience for student, said Norwich Police Chief Joseph Angelino.