It’s gonna be a hot one
Well, it was an easy day at the office for all those morning meteorologists out there in television land. As in, “Hey, everybody, it’s going to be a hot one out there today ... leave your jackets at home.”
Not to mention socks, pants, shirts and any other unnecessary garments one could think of. As for myself? Unfortunately, since I’ve been spending my days in the courtroom (no comment), the flip-flops, shorts and T-shirt had to stay at home. I’m in my typical dress shirt, long pants (freshly pressed, no less) and necktie.
Needless to say, I envy you all, those of you who are staying cool, at least.
With that said, however, I must admit I’m a little flabbergasted by all the hype and hysteria, and have to wonder if it’s really necessary. I know, I know, it’s hot ... it’s really hot. But a state-of-emergency-type hot?
I’m not so sure.
Consider ... back in the days before central air, people got by just fine. And that’s not to say you shouldn’t take precautions on a hot, sticky Summer Solstice like today, but we – as a nation – have gotten to the point where every little discomfort – no matter how inconsequential – gets turned into, for lack of a better phrase, a Big Deal.
The power goes out? Kids (and adults) go absolutely bonkers.
“No computers! No cable television! No Internet! Oh no!”