Prove me wrong
Well, it certainly didn’t take long for the political talking heads to begin debating last night’s presidential debate – so to speak – as those to the right and to the left (not to mention those firmly entrenched in the middle) continue to look for an out-an-out “winner,” as loosely as that term applies to any debate, no matter the topic.
News flash, folks, nobody wins a debate. You can win a football or baseball game; you can win the lottery; and you can win a trip to the Bahamas. You can’t, however, win a debate.
Which also means you can’t lose a debate. Lose a loved one? Sure. Lose your mind? Been there, done that. But lose a debate? It’s simply not possible. What you can do – whether you’re Obama or Romney – is determine whether you’ve changed any minds, brought an undecided voter over to your side of the fence or maybe even shot yourself in the foot, in the political sense, chasing potential voters away.
And God only knows there are plenty of groups out there – demographically speaking – to chase away, be it women in the workplace looking for equal pay or the working poor who are well beyond sick and tired of hearing any über-wealthy politician tell them to stick it out and “keep your nose to the grindstone” for the good of our country, no matter their political affiliation.