More! More! More!

You don’t have to ask why you hear remarks like “Same old, same old.” And “There’s nuthin’ new under the sun.” And – as Harry Truman said – “There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.”

Those thoughts come about because human beings keep doing the same things over and again. This is especially true when they come to running countries.

Here is the cycle. The politicians tax the people. The money arrives at government. The politicians steal some. They use the rest to run things. And to give to the people. In the form of benefits and services of some sort. The people take what they can, and ask for more.

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The result is that the politicians steal and spend more than what comes into the coffers. So they have to borrow. They stick the debt on the people. They raise taxes to pay the debt. And to pay for the stealing. And to pay for the benefits the people ask for. Hell, for what they demand, after a while.

So the politicians are faced with tough decisions. They can cut the spending. Or they can raise taxes. Or they can do some of both. So they take the easy route. They raise the taxes.

When people squawk, the politicians look for villains to blame the mess on. They blame the rich. The rich are not paying their fair share.


The Evening Sun

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