Listen to the river sing sweet songs ...

Like so many people out there, I’ve had my fair share of grief and heartbreak over the years, from the death of my father’s parents at a young age to that of my father, himself, a little more than five years ago. I’ve lost uncles, my stepsister’s infant daughter and close friends, and no matter how much time passes there is seldom a day goes by I don’t think of those who have passed on. That’s just the way life goes, I suppose.

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Death, in and of itself, is quite the mystery, don’t you think? It sparks theological debates and controversy over the existence of an afterlife, or lack thereof, and can be seen as both a blessing and a curse. A blessing for those who are suffering or have lived a long, fruitful life; a curse for those who are left behind when a death comes far too early, taking from us those loved ones who had so much yet to offer, those who had so much life to live.

Such was the case on Dec. 27 when we lost our friend Casey and – as is always the case when death comes unexpectedly and without a care – we all dealt with her passing in our own way. There were (and still are) the tears, the lingering questions and the anger; the disbelief, the shock and that one-of-a-kind grief that is so slow to fade, and never truly does.


The Evening Sun

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