Town of Norwich peddles zero percent tax increase in 2015

NORWICH – Town of Norwich Supervisor David Law is touting what he says was a good year for the township and is rolling out numbers of a proposed 2015 budget that he believes taxpayers can get behind.

A township update from Law affirmed that Norwich homeowners are likely to see a zero percent tax levy increase for the general budget in the coming fiscal year. The town’s preliminary numbers put the general budget at $303,000 and the highway budget at $363,000 with taxpayers footing approximately 49 cents per $1,000 assessed property value.

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“We have had a very good year,” Law said, citing approximately $1 million in growth in the town since 2013. “We’re trying to give back some to our taxpayers in our town to keep taxes down.”

As part of its financial plan for 2015, the Norwich Town Board is continuing a number of contracts with other municipalities, mainly the City of Norwich, to continue certain services. The town signed a $10,500 contract with the Norwich City Youth Bureau to maintain youth programs, a $616,477 contract with the city for fire protection, and another $8,334 fire protection contract with the South New Berlin Fire Department. The proposed budget also includes $700,000 to the City of Norwich for water and wastewater services for residents living within the water and sewer district.


The Evening Sun

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