Chenango Farm Bureau receives award on national stage

NORWICH – Showing the muscle of the local agricultural industry, the Chenango County Farm Bureau returned from the 96th annual convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation last week touting its 14th national award.

Approximately 7,000 Farm Bureau members from across the country attended this year’s convention in San Diego, Calif. The event featured leaders and participants in the grassroots policies that will guide the American Farm Bureau Federation through 2015. It was also a chance for local farm bureau organizations to network, share ideas, and promote projects that address major issues in the farming industry through trade shows, general sessions and workshops.

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“The successful programs and activities on display are a valuable resource for grassroots Farm Bureau members and help promote agriculture within farming communities,” said AFBF President Bob Stallman.

The Chenango Farm Bureau was recognized this year for its collaborative work with FEMA, local emergency shelters, and the Chenango SPCA to help farmers and ranchers develop a plan for their livestock in the event of a flood, fire or other disaster. The concept, titled “Who Do You Call? Farm Bureau!” assists farmers in putting together a pre-emergency checklist so they may be able to plan for such disasters before they happen.

“We were able to put a packet together for farmers to refer to during emergency situations,” explained Rainy Collins-Vickers, Promotion and Education Chair for the Chenango County Farm Bureau. “People don’t often think of what happens to the animals after emergencies.”


The Evening Sun

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