Opportunities for Chenango, Inc. offers weatherization work

CHENANGO COUNTY – In recognition of the 40th annual Weatherization Day on Sunday, Oct. 30, Opportunities for Chenango, Inc. (OFC, Inc.), is reaching out to offer low-income, elderly, and disabled citizens weatherization services through the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP).

Of the 63 non-profit agencies that operate as members of New York State Weatherization Directors Association (NYSWDA), Chenango County's agency is Opportunities for Chenango, Inc. OFC, Inc. is currently accepting new applicants for single family and rental households whose residences could benefit from weatherization services.

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The WAP aims to perform energy audits on eligible homes to determine which would benefit most by increasing energy efficiency, thereby reducing energy consumption and lowering utility costs. The WAP's energy efficiency improvements can save families between $250 and $450 per year on their energy bills.

The NYSWDA and the U.S. Department of Energy team-up every year to recognize Weatherization Day in order to highlight the multi-dimensional successes of the WAP within New York State.

The WAP raises property values and helps contribute to community revitalization, in addition to reducing carbon emissions. The program also helps provide safer and healthier homes by remediating problems such as mold and moisture, lead, poor indoor air quality, and in some instances carbon monoxide problems. This concept is known as the 'whole-house' approach, and weatherization and home performance technicians use this approach to ensure the maximization of efficiency, comfort, and health in a home.


The Evening Sun

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