City approves compensation, hires investigator, and keeps human resource director on paid leave
NORWICH – After placing the human resources director on paid leave, the City of Norwich has authorized paying the city clerk more money to assume the position's duties. This decision came as the city council approved spending up to $5,000 to hire a third-party civil investigator to look into city's record keeping.
Officials have refused to discuss specifics of the matter citing personnel privacy concerns.
The City of Norwich Common Council agreed to award a stipend to its city clerk and director of finance, Dee DuFour, for assuming human resource duties.
DuFour has assumed some of the human resource duties after City of Norwich Human Resource Director Deborah DeForrest was place on paid administrative leave April 22.
The council tabled a resolution to hire a temporary human resource staff member at the Tuesday night meeting.
Another resolution authorized the mayor to sign an agreement with a private investigator with municipal human resource and civil service experience.