Weekly COVID-19 Update

CHENANGO COUNTY – As of Tuesday there are 60 active cases of COVID-19 in Chenango County, and three individuals are currently hospitalized.

The Chenango County Department of Health confirmed there have been 3,621 total cases of COVID-19 in Chenango.

There have been 80 confirmed deaths.

The health department also confirmed there are 133 residents under quarantine, and 3,401 total recoveries.

So far approximately 128,919 tests for the virus have been administered in the county.

The Health Department has administered 7,043 vaccine doses so far. In the county, 53.7 percent of the population has had at least one dose, and 64.6 percent of the 18 and older population has had at least one dose.

Upcoming vaccine clinics:

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The Chenango County Health Department will be holding a free vaccine clinic today, Tuesday, August 10, at the General Clinton Park in Bainbridge.

The clinic will run from 5 to 7 p.m. 100 doses of the Janssen vaccine are available, and they will be administered on a first-come first-served basis.

Recipients of the vaccine must be 18 years or older. They will also need to complete a health screening before vaccination, as well as wait 15 minutes after receiving it.

For more information on COVID-19 and vaccine options, call the Chenango County Health Department at 607-337-1660, or visit their website at www.co.chenango.ny.us/public-health.


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