Thursday, February 6th, 2025    02/06/25

Jim Mullen 's Stories

Home suite home

We've been thinking about moving from our big, old, two-story house to something a little easier to clean and maintain. ..

Take a hike

My friend Charlie invited me to go on a 6-mile hike in a nearby nature preserve. Sure, why not? Just because ..

There’s an app for that!

A million-dollar inspiration hit me after spending a week in the car driving across this great land of ours with ..

This week’s storm of the century

Here's my question: Can you starve to death by not eating for one day? I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure ..

Driving Miss Crazy

We finally bought a car with a modern dashboard, the kind with the little screen that gives us a choice ..

This year’s predictions for the new year

Every year about this time, we hear predictions of things that might happen in the new year. Most of them ..

The newsletter you can live without

Dear Friends and Family, Happy Holidays! If you're saying to yourself, "That doesn't look like a picture of the Fergusons on ..

Christmas presents past

"What are we getting Ashley and Mason for Christmas?" I asked Sue. "They already have cellphones, video games and debit ..

As American as pumpkin spice aftershave

I don't know how, but I have managed to get through an entire day without having a pumpkin spice latte. I've ..

IGTOFT (I’m getting too old for this)

Some say that instant messaging and email are destroying our language. The patois of acronyms and emoticons is constantly evolving; ..

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Millionaires are a dime a dozen

The Year In Review, Review
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Perplexing Problems Of The Rich & Famous
Perplexing problems of the rich & famous

The Gift Of Garbage
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A Pose By Any Other Name
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Computer Talk Is Cheap
Computer talk is cheap

Bees Deliver Stinging Fashion Critique
Bees deliver stinging fashion critique

A Developing Story
A developing story

Throwing A Fit
Throwing a fit

Tune In, Turn Off, Unplug
Tune in, turn off, unplug

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