Thursday, February 6th, 2025    02/06/25

Jim Mullen 's Stories

You may have already won

There was a long line to buy lottery tickets yesterday at the Gas 'n' Go Away. The jackpot this week ..

It’s time to play ‘senior jeopardy’

"Did you see that movie last night on TV?" asked Harry. "What movie?" "The one with that one guy in it. He's ..

Where there’s dill, there’s a way

Sue is canning tomatoes this week. Last week it was pickles and beets. Soon it will be applesauce. You can't move ..

Why did the apple cross the road?

My big-city cousin Bernice brought her 4-year-old son up to the farm for a visit. One afternoon, we were out ..

I brake for junk

Over the years, we've all collected stuff that we are ashamed to have in the house. Stuff that is too ..

When you care enough to send the very worst

When an elderly neighbor we barely knew died recently, I went to the drugstore to buy a sympathy card for ..

The glutton-free diet

There's a new diet fad that's not sweeping the nation. Who knows why it hasn't caught on yet, because it's ..

Do you suffer from FOBO?

Do you get the shakes when you haven't checked your email in the last 30 seconds? Have you ever checked ..

Put me in the annoyance-free section

It wasn't all that long ago that people could smoke in elevators and in movie theaters. They smoked in restaurants, ..

If we can put a man on the moon ...

They say my laptop has several-million times the computing power of the ones NASA used to put a man on ..

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Warning: Column contains 2010 spoilers

My Plain, Old Vanilla Ice-cream Life
My plain, old vanilla ice-cream life

You Must Remember This ...
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He Gets An ‘L’ For Mali
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Thanks For The Lack Of Memories
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Foreign Lands Where The Dollar Still Rules
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Home Sweet Homeschooled
Home sweet homeschooled

‘Reservation For Two, Name’s Fido’
‘Reservation for two, name’s Fido’

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
Hair today, gone tomorrow

Never Trust A Building Over 30
Never trust a building over 30

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