Sheldon Street residents waiting on animal ordinance
NORWICH – The City of Norwich still has no official ordinance barring city residents from keeping farm animals, and residents on Sheldon Street in Norwich want to know how long it will be before one is enacted.
The city has been working to create a farm animal ordinance for several months, but it has yet to be adopted. During that time, Sheldon Street has seen an array of new neighbors, including goats, sheep, cows and now a flock of chickens.
A Sheldon Street resident attended a meeting of the Common Council on Tuesday to ask where the city was in the process of enacting the ordinance. “We’re getting onto another year, and I’m just wondering where you are in the process of getting an ordinance to eliminate barn yard animals in the city,” the resident said.
Mayor Joseph Maiurano said while the city was working on the ordinance, the situation seemed to be pretty much under control. The Sheldon Street resident disagreed, explaining that while the cows, goats and sheep had gone, they had been replaced by a flock of chickens.